Tuesday, July 10, 2012

A First Time!!!


Janelle from Mrs. Janelle's Kindergarten Kingdom has nominated me for my first blogger award. This is a super great way to connect with other bloggers and attract more traffic and followers. I know it's both a blessing and curse to jump through the hoops but I have noticed a boost in the past few days!
Here's the hoops for this award:

1. Thank the blogger who nominated you.  Thank You sent!!
2. Include a link to their site.  Mrs. Janelle's Kindergarten Kingdom
3. Include the award image in your post.  Check!
4. Give 7 random facts about yourself  (see below)
5. Nominate 15 other bloggers for the award. (see below)
6. When nominating, include a link to their site. (see below)
7. Let other bloggers know they've been nominated. (see below)

Random Fact #1:  I was a professional cheerleader during college for our professional Hockey Club in Wichita (the Wichita Wind of the CHL).
Random Fact #2:  I have two tattoos (one on each outer ankle. One is a sunflower and has my hubby's initial in the stem. The other is a Forget Me Not - which has a twin on my best friend Tiffany's ankle)
Random Fact #3: I can curl my tongue. (Hey - it said 'random' facts!!!)
Random Fact #4: I have two houses - one is a condo in Wichita and the other is our lake house on Table Rock Lake near Branson, Missouri.
Random Fact #5: I can mirror write (Writing with both hands at the same time, the same thing except one image is written backwards)

Nominees for the Versatile Blogger award (I really, really tried to find some newbie bloggers with under 100 followers, whew, but it was taking me too long and I wanted to get this posted. Plus you know how it is when you get sucked into blog-land!!!! Anyhoo...I did discover some 'new to me' blogs and my apologies to those of you who are already winners of this award...you are exempt from followin' the rules!!! Oh - and by the way - I KNOW there is a super secret way to make these buttones hot link to the site but damn if I don't have the decoder ring to figure it out!!!! *Sigh* I'm still learning!)

           Kelly and Kim's kindergarten kreations                                          Under the Alphabet Tree         
Kelly and Kim's Kindergarten Kreations                                 Under the Alphabet Tree 
    Kindergarten Kindergarten                        Mrs. Greene's Kindergarten Korner

         Work Smart Not Hard                                  Sharing Kindergarten
Work Smart Not Hard Teaching Kindergarten                             Sharing Kindergarten

                    Love Those Kinders!                     Kindergarten Lifestyle              
                      Love Those Kinders!                       Kindergarten Lifestyle                        

Button                   Photobucket                  
    Joy of Kindergarten                           Sea Bear's Kindergarten              

  My Kindergarten Kids                                    KinderKids Fun
My Kindergarten Kids                                           Kinder Kids Fun


           Kinder Kraziness     

        The Kindergarten Chick              
     The Kindergarten Chick                              

My Photo    

There ya go - my friends! Good luck getting sucked into blog land and CONGRATULATIONS to my fellow bloggers!


SC Teacher 28 said... 2

Wow! Thanks for the award! I have already received this award so I am going to exempt myself from answering it again. I love your blog design! It is adorable! Thanks for finding my blog!

KinderKids Fun

Unknown said... 3

Congrats on your blog award. I just posted my thank you's yesterday and the award was given to me a long time ago so I know where you are coming from. I love sunflowers and your blog design is so cute! Come by my blog when you have time.


alwayslearning said... 5

Thank you for the award! I am your newest follower!

Unknown said... 7

Congrats on your award and thanks for passing it on to me. Also, I am your newest follower. Welcome to the blogging world. It is so much fun!

Stop by my blog and play along with me today. It is my birthday and we are playing a game and the prize is a Starbucks gift card.

:) Ann @

Heather's Heart said... 8

Congratulations on your award! Your blog is precious!

I am so happy to be your newest follower. I would LOVE for you to hop over and visit me when you get the chance. I have TONS of *freebies* you can grab. =)

Heather's Heart

Kelly and Kim said... 9

Thank you for the award!! Welcome to blogland. We are so excited to connect with you and can't wait to see what you are up to! :) We are your newest followers!!

A Lynne said... 10

Hi Shawna...Here another award. I am passing the Liebster Blog award to you. Please visit my blog to pick it up (and while you are there, enter my first giveaway.

vicky1970 said... 11

Hi Shawna - very cute blog! Just found your cute self and am your newest follower. Swing on by my blog and link up. I' m hosting a linky party about how we are spending our summers. Could be a vacation, new products you have made...anything you'd like. :o)
Traditions, Laughter and Happily Ever After

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